What would you do if money weren't an issue?

Yacht? Tesla? Huge mansion?

Hey there! Welcome to Part-Time Writing. Life's weird, so I write about it. Mostly, this newsletter is just a bunch of silly, sometimes thoughtful stories from life. But I also share practical advice, lessons, and tools I’ve picked up after learning new skills or hobbies (i.e. writing, health, parenting, leadership, etc).

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When I was younger, one of the things my dad and I used to do was fantasize about what we’d do if we ever won the lottery.

We knew our chances were basically zero (at least I did), but it was always fun to imagine the “what if” scenario. We’d talk about buying fancy cars, a big house, giving the US Postal Service the middle finger (which was where he worked), and eating king crab legs and lobster all day, every day.

As a 14-year-old kid, that’s about all that mattered to me. I’d leave those conversations feeling wildly hopeful and full of happiness. Then I’d come back to the real world and hit the sack early for yet another day of school. Life went on.

Today, at age 34, I sometimes wonder:

“What would I do if money weren’t an issue?”

Honestly, I don’t think I’d care about buying a fancy car, a yacht, or a huge mansion. I think as long as I could work on whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and could spend my free time with family, friends and doing various hobbies, I’d be pretty damn happy.

Funny enough, there’s not TOO much I’d change about my life if I happened to fall into a buttload of cash. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve already won the lottery based on who I’m surrounded by and how I live my life.

If you’re in a similar boat — awesome. Keep going. If not, the question “What would I do if money weren’t an issue?” is 100% worth pondering. Whatever comes from it is the direction in which you should point your compass and go.

Five to ten years from now you may just be in that situation (if you play your cards right).

