5 Things You Might Want to Start Doing Today (If You Aren't Already)

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I've done a lot of dumb things in my life, but none of these are them. I'm 33 and my only regret is that I wish I had started doing these sooner.

1. Cardio. Bro-science is attractive stuff. It's basically all about lifting heavy weights and getting jacked — none of that stupid cardio. Well, I spent a decade following that bullshit. This year, I've added 4-5 days of cardio each week with the goal of drastically improving my VO2 Max. The result? I feel better, look better, and the chance I have of dying from all causes over the next 10 years is at least 50% lower. I'm pretty sure the real reason the "bros" avoid cardio is because it's hard as fuck.

2. Selective caring. I used to care what everyone thought about me, always trying to please the crowd and sway those who didn't like me. Now, I don't care who likes me. I do my thing, live my life, and try to be the best person I can be, but I'm also very careful about what/who I pour my time and energy into. If someone's not on the list, my give-a-shit meter plummets.

3. Express feelings. Your mental health skyrockets when you put yourself out there and let people know how you're feeling. When I don't like how someone makes me feel, I say something. Holding that stuff in eats at your soul.

4. Don't let negativity fester. These days, the time it takes me to apologize when I'm in the wrong has gone off a literal cliff. If I'm a jerk to someone I care about, I almost always apologize within minutes. If someone else I care about does something shitty to me, I'm quick to confront them. I don't need any of that negativity festering. Plus, I never want to waste precious time being mad at someone I love.

5. Go to bed earlier (or get more sleep). A good night's sleep should be non-negotiable. The science behind it is too large to ignore (and it just keeps growin'.) Usually, I'm in bed by 9 PM and it's amazing.

